
Bearing limiting speed, running accuracy, and fits+

Koyo Bearingscontinues the bearing selection series with part 4. Be sure to catch up on parts 1 – 3 of selecting the right bearing below:



How to Select the Right Bearing Part 3: Bearing Dimensions and Service Life


When selecting a bearing, we need one that rotates stably and with the required accuracy, in a manner appropriate to the operating speed of the machine. What kind of things do we need to pay attention to when selecting bearings?

In Part 4, we will elaborate on the following two points you need to be aware of when selecting your bearing.

  • 軸承應穩定旋轉,並且在機器的運行速度下具有所需的精度。
  • The bearing should have the fits and internal clearance necessary to satisfy its service life.
Table 1: Bearing selection checklist

1 – Limiting speed and running accuracy

Limiting speed

When a bearing rotates, its internal temperature rises due to friction resistance.




Fig. 1: Bearing seizure





軸承型和公差類 - Koyo球滾子軸承目錄


Bearings of class 5 or higher are required for a precise running accuracy and a higher rotational speed, described in Table 5.

Table 5: High precision bearing applications

2. Bearing fits and bearing internal clearance

Bearing fits


Clearance fit


Interference fit

The shaft diameter is larger than the bore diameter of the inner ring, and the bearing is firmly locked in place on the shaft. This, however, can make it difficult to mount the bearing on the shaft, so consideration needs to be given to the mounting method.


This is somewhere between the clearance fit and the interference fit.


Based on the load direction and conditions, a suitable “fit” should be selected (see Table 6).

Table 6: Load direction/conditions and fit

Load Characteristics and Fits – Koyo Ball & Roller Bearings Catalog

How to Select Fits – Koyo Ball & Roller Bearings Catalog

推薦配合 - Koyo Ball&Roller軸承目錄

Making the wrong decision regarding clearance fit can result in circumferential relative sliipping (see Figure 3) on the fitting surface (the mounting surface between the bearing and the shaft or housing) and damage the bearing. For this reason, it is important to take care when deciding on the fits.

Fig. 3: Circumferential slipping on the bore surface of the bearing inner ring (also known as “creeping”)


“Bearing internal clearance” is defined as the total distance either inner or outer ring can be moved when the other ring is fixed. Internal clearance can be either radial or axial (see Figure 4).

Fig. 4: Internal clearance



  • a) If there is an internal clearance, several rolling elements located near the direction of the load will come in contact with the inner and outer rings, causing a load to be placed. However, there is a clearance at the rolling elements on the opposite side of the load direction, and no load is applied [see Figure 5a) ].
  • b)如果存在略有陰性的內部間隙,則更大數量的滾動元件與內圈和外圈接觸(參見圖5B),將放置在更多滾動元件上的負載分散。這會產生最長的疲勞壽命。但是,如果內部間隙跌幅遠低於0,則軋製元件上的負荷將變得過高,導致疲勞壽命顯著縮短(見圖6)。
Fig. 6: The relationship between internal clearance and fatigue life


The bearing internal clearance should be selected in consideration of the “amount of reduction in clearance” from the clearance when rotating under a load while mounted in the machine (called the “operating clearance”) due to such factors as “fit” and “the bearing internal temperature difference.” Check the following about the internal clearance standard values broken down by bearing type and specifications as well as how to determine operating clearance, and…

如何確定操作間隙 - Koyo Ball&Roller軸承目錄

軸承型和軸承孔徑軸承內部間隙 - Koyo球滾子軸承目錄



  1. 您應該根據機器的運行速度選擇具有限製速度的軸承,該軸承高於旋轉速度。
  2. Bearings of class 5 or higher are required for a precise running accuracy and a higher rotational speed.
  3. 根據負載方向和條件選擇最佳軸承“擬合”。
  4. 根據操作間隙選擇軸承內部間隙。


Works Cited

Koyo Bearings. (2020, April 06).Bearing Trivia。Retrieved from Koyo Bearings: https://koyo.jtekt.co.jp/en/2020/04/column02-04.html

About the Author

Carlicia Layosa

Carlicia is a Product Marketing Engineer at MISUMI. She holds a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and a master's degree in Energy Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate, Marketo Certified Expert, and is passionate about education and training.

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